Culture can be a tricky maze to understand. It can be the foundation stone to co-existence within the organization and can cultivate trust, respect and good collaboration enabling good results. Find out and learn what our leaders think about our culture and how they anchor our principles in the organization.
With compassionate leadership
We care for our farmers with a mission of ‘Helping Farmers Win’. We care for their problems, and we love to solve the challenges they face while farming. While doing so, we AgStars make sure that we also care for everyone aligned to this mission. Together we support, mentor, lead with compassion, communicate openly and guide each other. Listen to Rignesh talk about his take on compassionate leadership.
Want to appreciate someone who is compassionate, helpful and caring? Click here to thank them with our principle cards.
With trust and mutual respect
We play as one team - Team AgroStar. Collaboration is our strength, and we never let any friction or differences affect our goal. We believe in timely, honest, direct and encouraging conversations to keep our spirits high and collaborate better. There are equal opportunities for all, without any bias of rank, gender, race or religion. Our teamwork always stands out and creates an impact. Understand from Tushar how he has been a champion of 'Collaborate as One'.
Recognize a peer who is awesome to collaborate with? Give them your kudos by clicking here to thank them with our principle cards.
With clear direction, communication and motivation
Being action oriented comes naturally to us, and we ensure that we achieve our goals come what may. We are wholly result-oriented from the beginning and are very clear about the steps required to achieve the same. Irrespective of hurdles, last minute requirements or changes in plans, our focus remains on delivering results, being positive, staying motivated and setting examples to follow. Listen to Ritesh give wisdom nuggets about 'Deliver Results'.
Do you know someone who is driven to Deliver Results? Click here to cheer them on with our principle cards.
In the spirit of Helping Farmers Win
Every AgStar has a responsibility to share their thoughts and opinions to make solutions better. Different point of views always give better perspectives. However, once we come to a decision, we make sure that we commit to it wholeheartedly as a team even if it was not our idea in the first place. We drive home success through unity in our endeavors. Listen to Puneet to know how he practices 'Disagree and Commit' in his work.
Recognize someone who is able to 'Disagree to Commit'? Click here to thank them with our principle cards.
Spend resources with care
We owners believe in the saying, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Therefore, we try hard to derive maximum output with minimum input. An inherent practice of utilizing resources with care helps us drive innovation better. Cost is a critical business metric, and we take the business forward with profitability in mind. Watch and learn from Bhushan as to how he has executed 'Do More With Less' in his work.
Want to appreciate someone for using minimum resources without compromising on quality and experiences? Cheer them on by clicking here and giving them our principle cards.
With a constant sense of urgency
Irrespective of whether we innovate in the 0-1 mode or blitz scale from 1-10, we play in hustle mode. We avoid slack and keep a razor-sharp focus on achieving our goals in the committed timelines. We keep ourselves prepared for last-minute changes, and despite the hurdles, we always move fast with our execution. Listen to Faraz and gain some insights on how to put this principle at play.
Feel like cheering for a colleague for getting things done 'Usain Bolt' style? Click here to thank them with our principle cards.
By being genuine and helpful
At AgroStar, we learn to embrace our strengths and admit our weaknesses. We do not shy away from saying ‘I don’t know’ or seeking help from our peers. We are always open to feedback and readily accept our mistakes. We are learners, and we learn from everyone around us. Our setbacks make us better, and our goodwill keeps us grounded. Watch Chaitanyaa talk about what he thinks of this principle and how he puts it in motion.
Do you see someone being respectful and practicing humility on a daily basis? Give them your Kudos by clicking here and sharing our principle cards with them.
FOLLOW 80-20
To prioritize constantly
The clock is always ticking, isn't it? We should always strive to use our time efficiently. We need to understand what are our priorities, are they in-sync with the organization's mission and how we will execute them. Understand how the 80-20 principle works and several other tips from Sunil.
Want to appreciate someone for following through on the 80-20 principle effortlessly? Click here to thank the Agstar with our principle cards.
Even when no one is looking
Being trustworthy and reliable is innate to us, and we practice it with open and honest communication. We believe in honesty and doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. We have a high sense of responsibility for our actions, as individuals and as a team. We are flag bearers of our brand AgroStar. Listen to Nipul to understand how he implements this value.
Know someone who has been able to practice integrity even through tough times? Click here to thank them with our principle cards.
To make everything better
Innovation usually happens in small bits, and it is iterative. We know that innovative efforts sometimes come with failures, and we want you to know that we are okay with it. We keep a high spirit of learning and applying our learnings back. Listen to Peeyush and gain some insights on how he innovates continuously.
Want to thank someone for being a cool innovator even during adversities? Click here to thank the Agstar with our principle cards.